Friday, February 19, 2010


If you didn't notice, the title of this blog was a joke. I took the infamous cry of "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE" and switched "Britney" with "Tiger". yeah, not so funny when i have to explain it so i hope you guys got it already. lol

Any who, Tiger did his lil Press conference today to publicise his apology. And, as to be expected, everyone and their mother had something to say about his apology. this blog isn't my trying to put my 2 cents(more like 20 dollars) in. I just wanna know why everyone feels like he owes US an apology? i heard people saying "I still don't for give him", WTF? he didn't cheat on you, bitch! the only person who deserves an apology from him is his wife! and she obviously said that his REAL apology to her will not come from his words, but from his actions in the future. So really, he didn't even have to do this whole public apology bull! so how about everyone just have a seat and stop getting your panties all twisted. whether or not his apology was sincere or not doesn't make a difference. His wife doesn't care about the words so neither should we. so everyone just shut your face and let that man live his life!

Oh and some of his other women were complaining that they deserve an apology from him. when i heard that do you know how hard i laughed? they don't deserve SHIT, in my opinion! you knew he was married and still decided to go through with his affair. it taks to people to pull off an affair! so shut the hell up and deal.

If you have 13 mins to spare and haven't seen the apology, below is the video. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

I think the reason why people can't leave Tiger alone is because he kept this clean image for all of his career till this point in time. Just one slip up on a celeb's part and the public immediately attacks you. This is just something that people will never let go. It's kinda the same with the Chris Brown thing. Tiger just made a big mistake. Big deal ya know. Hes human just like the rest of us. I don't think he really owed anyone an apology other then his wife and family. But since I'm sure he was a positive role model to a lot of people (espeically the youth) maybe he felt the need to do this to save his reputation from dying even further.

Janeway from The Misfits Club

Kenny K. Royal said...

I understand where you're coming from, and i dont think it was a HORRIBLE idea for him to come out and apologize publicly. i just hate how some people are bashing his apology like he owes anyone of them one. some people say it was fake, they still dont forgive him and a bunch of other things. i mean, he doesnt even know these people exsist so why are they gettin all emotional about it? i'm happy to see he is trying to get better tho. Snaps for Tiger! LOL

Anonymous said...

I can't believe people would think its fake. He seems really sincere to me lol. But people are people I guess lol.

Janeway from The Misfits Club

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