Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Movie Review: Nightmare on Elm Street

OK, so i know i haven't been updating too often lately, but i have an excuse :)! School has taken my life away lol. I'm gonna try to get back to my blogging tho, starting with my movie review of Nightmare on Elm street.

This movie was AMAZING to me. I've heard a lot of people say that it sucked, but I thought it was bad ass! Although, i didn't like the new Freddy too much. the new Freddy, doesn't just look like a guy that was burned, he looks like an alien that was burned! And his voice is much deeper. While watching the movie i learned a lot that i didn't know about Freddy. I have seen some of the older movies, but i never knew that Freddy was a fucking pedophile! I always thought that the people of whatever town he lived in killed him for whatever reason, and to get back at them, he killed their kids in their dreams. It made me look at Freddy with a bit of disgust because of that little fact. ANYWAY, the bloody gore of this movie was about a 7 in my book. I love how he killed everyone, but i thought it could have been a lot more blood and guts flying around the place! the movie was a bit scary tho. it had me jumping back in my seat like he was trying to kill me lol. The acting was all good in this movie too. and the best part about it, is that THE ENDING WASN'T STUPID! i hate movies that get me all into them and then end on a stupid note. This movie didn't do that! I'm pretty sure you guys will LOVE the ending.

Now, i wanna take a little time to discuss this person that annoyed me in the theater. of all races he WOULD have to be black! OK, so the movie starts and everything is fine then this guy and girl come and sit behind me. About 5 mins into the movie i hear the guy behind me say "Bop". At first i paid it no mind because i was just confused at to why he said it. Then when the first scary scene came up his girlfriend jumped like the rest of the theater and he goes "ahhhha, what you jumpin for? that aint even scary". She told him to shut up talking to her and be quiet. then i hear him say "Bop" AGAIN! this time i'm thinking to myself "I hope he doesn't think that's cute!". After that, EVERY 5 mins he would say "Bop" and sometimes twice. along with that he was laughing at shit that was scary, presumably to show out in font of his girlfriend. after about 30 minutes of him interrupting me with his "Bop"-ing and constantly saying "This ain't even scary", I turn around and tell him to shut up. OBVIOUSLY, he didn't hear me because he continued to say "Bop" but more frequently. so this time i got up and told him "Could you please shut the fuck up while i'm trying to watch this movie?" he responds "Shut yo gay ass up". this effected me in no way because I know i'm gay and hide it from no one, so i tell him "Yes, i'm gay. and now that we have that out of the way, are you going to shut up or not?" he just kept saying lil stupid commints about me being gay and calling me a fag(real original) so i told him that his "Bop"-ing is NOT cute no matter what anyone has told him and if he didn't like the movie he could leave and stop annoying me. the i said "I don't know if you're showing out for your girlfriend or not, but if you really wanna seem manly by appearing to not be scarred in front of her, you can go to the front row where no one is and display your "manliness" ALONE!" I guess that struck a cord with him because that's when he got out of his seat, but at the same time one of the managers came up because someone had went to complain about him just before out altercation took place. they took him out and his girl friend and i was able to enjoy my movie! Isn't life grand?


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