Thursday, February 25, 2010

Let's Talk About Dating! :)

On Wednesday, I went on a date with this guy. it was pretty much the first REAL date that I've ever been on. I mean, I've gone out with guys, but it was always stupid stuff like movies or some other thing where we didn't actually get to talk and get to know each other. how many of us have really gone on DATES like that? i don't consider going to a movie, or going to your/my house and just messing around. That's all that's really happening now in our generation. no one is really trying to get to know each other before they hop into a relationship(or to have sex, for that matter). I'm not trying to knock anyone that sleeps around because i know how ya feel. if you're not trying to get into a relationship just now, or want to date around a sort out your options most of the time all you're gonna be doing is fucking around. Sex is awesome and that's that... oops, I've seem to have lost my point lol. what i was getting at is, if you're REALLY looking for a long term relationship, you should get to know the guy/girl first. go on real dates and talk, go out to eat, play mini golf... ok, the last one isn't a must but it's something i really wanna do hahaha. basically what I'm saying is to go places where you have to interact and talk, as long as they're fun.

going slow is better than jumping in and finding out that the guy/girl annoys you to no end. all of my relationships were quick. i met them, got with them, they cheated, we broke up. except for 2 people. when i was 15 i cheated on this one guy and that's why we ended. and my last relationship lasted for 2 years. and we broke up in December 2009. he was just playing too many damn games and i didn't like it. now that's I'm 20, i don't really feel like rushing into anything just to end up single again. I'm taking my time and sorting through my options HOPEFULLY i find someone that i really like and isn't a complete douche! ahaha i actually like the guy i went out with, so wish me luck and lets hope that I have more future dates with him :)

ok, I'm tired of typing so I'm about to cut this blog short.

Later, Dolls!


Mr_Smoov said...

I mean, it depends. Feel me, if the gurl want it that night, why not give it to her. And dudes nowadays be wanting the dick quick anyways.

Kenny K. Royal said...

i know. i'm not saying you shouldn't have sex on the first date. i totally agree that if you want to go ahead. i've even had sex on the first date. I'm just saying that's not what i consider a "date".

Aleina said...


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