Monday, February 15, 2010

Tyra Talk: Weed Smoking Soccer Moms!?

Today's episode of Tyra talked about how some moms smoke weed or use marijuana in some way while they're around their kids or doing certain activities with them. There was a panel of moms. On one side were the parent s who used marijuana and found nothing wrong with it. On the other side were moms who don't approve of it in any way, shape or form.

The moms who used marijuana justified their actions by saying "it's not as bad as alcohol" and that they don't get super high. They use to take a little of the edge off. They also said that it helps them participate more in some activities with their kids. The parents who didn't approve were NOT having all that crazy talk, lol. They were pretty much just bringing up very good reasons on how its a bad influence on your children and doing drugs is never good no matter what. One lady even had a medical marijuana card! I didn't even know those existed. But she used that as one of her defenses saying, she doesn't use it ilegally.

Honestly I agree with the side that doesn't approve of it. I also don't approve of those ladies trying to tell someone how to run their life. I mean obviously their lives aren't too fucked. And while I wouldn't want them doing it if they were with me, their life isn't mine. So if they wanna do it, I say let them. As long as they're not hurting anyone it's fine to me.

What do you guys think? Let me know :)


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