Monday, November 9, 2009

I've had a Change of Heart!

I just read a comment my... lets just say "friend", since the bitch wants to hide her identity. ANYWAY, she left a comment on the post I made about not hating Chris Brown's music career because of his personal life. After reading what she said... I DEFINITELY agree with her. And I agree even more after seeing Rhianna's interview last week. Chris Brown damn near murdered the girl. And I wouldn't want to support a man that did that either. Especially after the fake apology he made for what he did. Everything he says about the incident sounds so staged and scripted now. Using words you KNOW his lawyer told him to use. Lol, I'm not calling him dumb but I find a lil fishy that he sounds like a lawyer whenever he's asked about the situation.

Actually what makes me mad is when I hear people say she did something to make him beat her like that. What in the hell could she have done that was so bad, he had to beat he like she was a man trying to take his virginity? He didn't just slap her, he threw her head into the window, BIT her on the ear and her finger (was he hungry?), beat her in the face and was still trying to fuck her up when he parked the car. All because he was caught in a lie. Lets go out on a limb here and say Rihanna did indeed hit him, why wasn't he bruised up? Why didn't he have not 1 scratch on him? And even if she did hit him, why did he have to damn near kill the girl? It's all a bit much if you ask me.

All these people callin her a liar and a bad actress because of her interview. These people that don't even know Chris say that he would never do anything like that. BITCH PLEASE! You don't know what anyone would do until they do it. And if Rihanna lied on that interview she was a DAMN good actress cuz she had me fooled from beginning to end. Whether she lied or not, Chris Brown is in the wrong all day long. End of story! Lol


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