Monday, November 9, 2009

Tyra Talk: The Tapeworm Diet

NOW, I have heard it all! Today on Tyra, this woman was on a diet that involved eating a tapeworm and using it to lose weight. Now everyone knows what a tapeworm does when it's inside of you. If you don't I'm gonna tell you. It eats your insides and the stuff you eat. Making you lose weight. And it can come out in your poop. Well it won't come completely out but you'll have a long ass thingy hanging out your butt. EWWW! And I hear it painful to have inside of you. But, hey, I've never had one and don't plan on EVER getting one. I think it's insane for someone to WANT to do that to themselves. Once again, "to each, his own". The diets these days are getting crazier and crazier. But this is just ridiculous.

Fierce and Love, Dolls!


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