Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tyra Talk: Can You Keep a Secret?

Today's episode of the Tyra Show asked the question, "Can You Keep a Secret?". The first people she spoke to REALLY upset me. it was a married couple that was having some problems because the Husband found a diary from his wife. he said he wasn't looking for one he was just doing laundry and tried to put her clothes in the drawer. when he found it he read it and saw all her lil secrets of her being a lesbian. it really annoyed me because she tried to play the victim when this bitch was the one lying all along. she said she felt betrayed but she was the one waisting his time, talking about she wasn't really sexually attracted to him and saying how much she just couldn't stand men and blah blah blah. She basically waisted all of his time. and he doesn't feel like he can trust her anymore and as many of you guys should know when trust is gone from a relationship, everything starts to go down hill.

I don't get why people waste others time. if i ever found out that my man wasn't attracted to me or any other men and he liked women more, I'd kick his ass! The fuck you mean? you wasted my time for what? if you don't wanna be with me or if you're confused about anything please leave me alone! don't come fucking with my heart because you don't know what the fuck you want. even cheating! the first time you have a thought about cheating, let me know so we can end that relationship. I don't have time for you to be playing me. and if you're in a marriage you should have any major secrets. especially something like you not being sexually attracted to the other. this is just another reason as to why i hate humans. lol

Fierce and Love, Dolls!


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