Monday, November 9, 2009

Maybe it's Not Disaster : /

Well maybe I was wrong about these two (still gonna keep my eyes on em). Maybe they really did fall in love after only a week or two. Did you guys see the wedding special last night on the E! Channel? Well I did and of course those Kardashians gave us DRAMA, Honey! They look like it could last for a while but I just can't get over the fact that they don't really even know each other and their married. But "to each his own right"? I've decided to not judge their relationship so harshly, until the divorce comes around. Lol, well maybe they won't get divorced and have one of the longest lasting relationships in Hollywood... but while I live in the real world I won't believe it. Lol but I'm happy for the both of them.

The show last night was really good and the wedding was beautiful.


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