Sunday, November 1, 2009

Movie Review: Saw VI

Saw VI was a crazy ass fucking movie. I didn't like Saw V too much but this was what i needed form them to redeem themselves, in my eyes anyway lol. I don't wanna give too much away if anyone hasn't seen it yet but the movie starts off with just WAY too much. That black girl from that MTV (or VH1) show last year "Scream Queens" was in it. if you don't know what that show was about, I'll tell you. the show was basically a competition for these girls to see who would be in the next saw movie. this black girl won and ever since then I been waiting to see her ass in the movie. she was really good. ANYWAY back to the part she was in. she and this guy she worked with were trapped in this contraption and it would stick some screws in their head and kill who ever cut off the least amount of flesh. at that point me and my friend, Lynell, were cringing in our seats lol. the guy started cutting skin off of his stomach and the girl tried to cut her arm off but the knife wasn't doing it fast enough. the guy had already got two pieces of flesh into his little bucket when the timer got close to going off. so the girl got a machete and went to town on her damn arm. OMG I was going crazy in my seat. it was just too much. She eventually cut her entire arm off from her elbow down and beat the guy. he died and she was left without an arm, smh. it's things like that, that make me happy that man isn't real. I can not be living in fear of waking up in one of his contraptions. that's just not a good way to live. o.k that's all I'm gonna say because I don't wanna ruin the movie for anyone. I give the movie 4 out of 5 stars for gore of the movie. but over all I'd say it's about a 3 to a 3 1/2. but that's just my opinion. go and see it and make sure you're ready to be disgusted lol.

Later, Dolls!


Anonymous said...

I liked this movie very much..This movie is very interesting ..i downloaded this movie from the can also download saw 6 moviefrom the internet....

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