Monday, November 2, 2009

What's the Point of a relationship, if You're Gonna Cheat!

I'm watching this old episode of Tyra right now and it raises this MAJOR question. "Why would you stay in a relationship, if you're gonna cheat?". I just don't get it. From personal experiences to things I've seen on T.V. People get in relationships and string their lover along while they cheat through the entire relationship. If you don't want to be with one person then don't get into a relationship. If you're with me and you feel like you have to cheat constantly, LEAVE ME! Don't have me wasting my time on you when you don't even wanna be with me. I have been in the 3 main situations. I've been cheated on, I've been the other man, and I've been the one cheating. Out of ALL my relationships I've cheated once and have never done it again. I was really unhappy and looked for satisfaction somewhere I shouldn't have. When I was the other man, I did it to spite this guy I hated. So I took his man and I refuse to do that again. I don't want a man that's gonna cheat on someone for me because they'll do the same to me. And when I was cheated on it was the most hurtful thing ever. It really fucks with your confidence, if you're not strong. I've been in enough relationships to know VERY much about them. I try to help friends to the best of my abilities with their relationships but the one thing that I can NEVER seem to do is help my self in my own relationship. It is crazy. My advise is always good for my friends but I can't help my self in my own relationships. Its weird to me but it's cool I guess.

I just needed to get that off of my chest. I've seen so many people sit through being cheated on because they "love" the other person. The reality is, if you're lover has to cheat CONSTANTLY, you two don't need to be together. If they cheat once it's forgivable if you plan on a LONG term relationship. But if you know the relationship won't last more than a year, let em go after the first slip up. Now I'm not a believer in the whole "Once a cheater, always a cheater". I believe everyone deserves a second chance. if the relationship is serious that is.

Well I'm done with my rant.
Think about what I said. Lol


Unknown said...

I ask this question all the time!! Just be single if you want to sleep around especially for females! I hate females that sleep around on their boyfriend! I did it in high school but those relationships are not so serious. I'm grown now and want to marry the man I'm with. And I feel if you can't see yourself married to the person you're with then leave it alone because I think that's why people cheat. And as far as married people who cheat I feel there is a spot in hell waiting for them.

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