Tuesday, November 10, 2009

School Prom Canceled Due to Lesbian Couple

A 17 year old girl named Cynthia Stewart, a junior at Tharptown High School (Alabama), asked her schools principal if she could bring her girlfriend to the prom and she was told no. Her principal then forced her to remove a sticker she wore on her shirt that said "I am a Lesbian" and told her that she didn't have that much freedom of speech at her school.

The ACLU demanded that school officials allow the girl to bring her girlfriend to the prom and refrain from further violating her First Amendment rights. Sometime later the school prom was canceled.

Ain't that a bunch of bullshit? They would make the whole school suffer just because they're homophobic? I feel like they should be happy the girl even asked, cuz I damn sure wouldn't have. And they wouldn't make me leave the prom cuz I payed my money just like everyone else. That principal needs to be fired or something. That's just what I think.


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