Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"The Difference Between a Fag and a Homosexual" Really?

I saw a blog on myspace a couple months ago about the difference between a fag and a homosexual. It was one of the most ignorant things I have ever read. And I'm blogging about it now because I just came a cross the blog again. The guy says "A Homosexual is someone who just likes the same sex... now a Fag is someone who feels since they are a homosexual, they have to fit they have to fit the lifestyle of a female". Really? Is this what people think? First of all, the only difference is they they are two different words. Secondly, a Homosexual is anyone who likes the same sex no matter if their feminine of masculine. A "Fag" is a word used to belittle any homosexual. Now maybe their are those that think because they're gay they have to act like a woman, but I think those types of people are few and far between. If a gay guy is feminine it's because that's just the way he is. Just like if a gay guy is masculine it's because that's the way he is. Just because a guy is feminine does not mean he wants to be a girl! The person also said that feminine men also start a lot of drama like women. EVERY human on this earth starts drama no matter if they're a man or woman! Straight men start drama too! It may not be the same drama but its still drama. Honestly, does it even matter? The LGBT community needs to uplift every member of it and stop trying to exclude people because you're afraid of how people will view you because of what another is doing. Yeah, it's true that most gay people that are in the spotlight are feminine but that doesn't mean every gay guy is like that. And if you're masculine, you shouldn't hate or put down feminine men by calling them a "fag".

A good friend of mine was dating this girl who said she doesn't like feminine gay men because she thinks "a man should act like a man". I had a HUGE problem with this because the girl was a butch lesbian. If a man should act like a man than a woman should act like a woman. She's trying to push a gender roll on someone when she's not even following her gender roll. How are you gonna criticize someone for doing basically the same shit as you? Fucking hypocrite.

At the end of the day, the only person you need to make happy is you! Live YOUR life the best way you know how and be the best You that YOU can be. If you believe in God(who ever your God may be), hope that he/she approves when the time comes. No one can tell you how to be who you are. If someone doesn't like who you are, then don't associate yourself with that person. plane and simple.

Later, Dolls


staff said...

Well, I'd say "fags" r "due" to those who "flame" around. I mean, u r fem, kool, but dont force ur "loudness" on me. U wear Louis V EVERYTHING!!! When did Louis V start making Pens and Lip Gloss??

That's what i find "disturbing". Personally, i really can't see myself "bonding" with - as u say - "homosexual" of this kind NOT even for sex.

So once more i say, if u r gay - do ur thing, bi - do ur thing, Gay (and say u str8 - WHICH I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND EVEN THIS = - i mean, if on a GAY MODEL SITE u r A MODEL, i take that back - A PORN ACTOR - umm, i surely believe yo ass been gay: or take the case of Phat Daddy on the same website...)...

...the bottom line is JUST DO YOU and PLEASE don't force it down people's throats!

iChicaBLOGGG said...

Im not a lesbian or anything but i agree with all that you are saying people can really be cruel and that really sucks , this post really got to me because one of my bestfriends is a gay male and yes he is feminine and i get soo mad and over protective when ppl say certain things about him , and like you said you are who you are and this is really true because he didnt just wake up one and decide hey im gonna be feminine , he has been like that for as long as i can remember him and i have no problem with that , so for ppl to say what someone is trying to do and what people are forcing down their throats really pisses me off because its just a matter of minding your own business and respecting other peoples lifestyle , if they dont agree then thats them and their life it doesnt effect them so why do they take the time to take offense , people need to learn to respect other peoples decisions and life styles they need to wake up and realize that GAY people are also humans and have feelings

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