Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tyra Talk: Drunkorexia and Pregorexia

we just have all kinds of problems in this world don't we? Today on Tyra she talked to this girls about them being "drunkorexic". It means you starve yourself all day eating literally next to nothing, just to save the calories for drinking HEAVILY later on that night. Everyone should know that alcohol has a lot of calories so I guess these people don't want to gain too much weight so they eat nothing in order to drink all night. Doesn't that sound crazy to you? Maybe it's just me because I don't drink. I don't know but obviously there are A LOT of people going through this. On top of the girl being "drunkorexic" she's a vegetarian. She's eating like a little brocoli and that's the only food she eats all day then drinks. I'm sorry, I can't fully comprehend this.

There is also "pregorexia". "pregorexia" is a label for women who don't eat enough for them or their unborn child, because they don't want to gain too much weight. Now this I feel is a very horrible thing because you're not just hurting yourself. You're hurting your unborn child, and giving it little to no chance to live a healthy life... if it gets life at all! Any woman that does this needs serious help! I never thought I would here some bullshit like that. I hope I don't come a cross a woman crazy enough to do that. The woman Tyra talked to did it because she didn't want her boyfriend to think she's fat. WHAT!?? That is the most immature thing I've ever heard! I hope this doesn't become a huge thing.


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