Wednesday, October 21, 2009

You Do Not "Turn" Gay!!!!

Just because your boyfriend back in high school is now with a man 5 years later does not man he "turned" gay! He was either gay from the start and dated you to cover it up OR he is bi and you were just one of the women he dated. But he did not just choose to be gay one day. Ugh, yet another person pissed me off with this bullshit. If I hear another person say "I used to be straight" or "he used to be straight" acting straight and being straight are two completely different things. The world we live in today and society tells us the being gay is wrong. And for that reason most gay men hide their sexuality. Putting on a front for the world to appear "normal" and to please his family and friends. Some go all throughout high school sticking to their "I'm straight" story, until they get comfortable enough with themselves and start to date other men after high school. But in no way, shape or form did they "turn" gay. And even some guys don't notice that they're gay until later on in life. That still doesn't mean that they "turned" gay. Truth be told, I think everyone has a little bisexuality in them. Now whether they act on it or not is a different story. I think even when the most thugish, strickly p*ssy fucking man is at home watching porn alone, he finds at least one thing on the male porn star attractive. That's if the the porn star looks good lol. Even if he doesn't admit it, he still liked something. And vise versa for girls. That's just my opinion. Love it or hate it... it's still gonna be there!

Later, Dolls!


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