Friday, October 16, 2009

Gay Adoption Against Nature?

Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League, thinks Gay adoption is "against nature"! He thinks Gay rights advocates are "cultural nihilists" and worse than "marxists and radical leftists". He thinks gay advocates want to "tear down the social order, which revolves around Christianity in the United States". As I read the entire story on, I got upset! Then, I laughed at has ignorance. He's just like those people who used to burn "witches" back in the middle ages. It's people like him who need to be shown what gay people really want. All we've been asking for is equality. What part of that says we want to ruin the world and rid it of Christianity? people like him who, fear what they don't understand and refuse to try and learn about it instead of preaching ignorance, annoy me. We have along way to go if we can't change peoples minds like him.

And when did it become a rule that children are property of the church? Who are they to say whom a child can or can't be adopted by? He needs to sit has ass down somewhere and shut the fuck up. I really just hate people like him.


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